Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First day in Bangkok

It is Wednesday, May 16, but I am going back to May 9 for this blog. The pace has been somewhat speedy. We are up at 6:30 and in the vans by 8:00 or 8:30 and return between 4:30 and 5:30 for dinner at 6:30. Not much time for blogging. Today, however, is a free day, so I am going to catch up a little.
The guide I had contracted met me in the lobby at the agreed upon 9am and we went to the railroad station to purchase my ticket to Chiang Mai leaving at 7:35 that evening. From then on it was non stop. Her name is Pai, a thirty something single mother of two girls. She was great. We started in Chinatown. Check out these two videos Tuk Tuk and Quick Walk.

There are a zillion temples in Thailand and I am sure we will see most of them before we leave.  Here is the first one I toured. That is Pai in the foreground. And this is me in front of a picture of the King.

Pai recommended we tour the canals to see a different part of the city. It was a little expensive, $60, but turned out to be worth it.  Check out the canals and fish. The fish are abundant here as it is close to the palace and fishing is not allowed near the palace..If the video is too long for you, just exit when you have had enough.

It was a long day, but I was able to board the train early and take a snooze, before departure.  The ride was what I expected with stops all night long, noisy, swaying and clanking, but I slept like a baby. The next morning I took many photos and videos through the window.  The train arrived three hours late.  No worries. The tour didn't gather for dinner until six hours after I arrived. It may be a few days before I get back to the blog. We have a full day tomorrow, then off to Lanpang for two days. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Good to read that you're having a great time. Those folk on the canal are really vulnerable to flooding aren't they? Will be interested to follow your progress.
