Saturday, August 4, 2012

The English Camp

May 21 - Offered as an option at the end of the tour was a day at a local school to work with children to improve their English language skills.  Seven fearless travelers and one local transplant from Hawaii volunteered without a clue of what we were getting into.  Read on to determine for yourself  if our time was well spent.  First was the assembling of the students. (Editor note: as all you videographers know, it is very difficult to video when you don't know what is going to happen, what will be the highlights, and when will it end. I was lucky to get as much substance as I did.)

This was inspirational.  When I was in elementary school I was in the color guard that raised the flag every day to start the school day.  I haven't seen this pageantry since.
Followed by their National Anthem.  Can you believe this?
Now, how would a group of respected adult, visiting Rotarians introduce themselves to the students?  Of course, The Chicken Dance.

She is the convener of The English Camp, a very fun person to work with.

 Are teenagers the same all over the world?  I am just asking.

Remember, click to enlarge.  These are two very different views.
<  left first                     then right>

This is the end.  Thanks for the visit.  Hope you enjoyed my view of Thailand.  Next blog Sydney Australia June, 2014.

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